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PICCOLO -sensorial workshop for 0-2 toddlers

16 Nov 2024

ÖGAT, Brahegatan 11

class training|community|other

For toddlers + parent, age 0-2 years old

Sensorial&dance workshop


In English language 

Play & movement

Sensorial explorations

Non-verbal expressive skills for parents

With live music environment

directed by MixaFortuna

live music by Mario Massa (ambient, meditative music)

Piccolo in Italian means little, tiny. We will explore little voices, little gestures, little sounds, little progressive steps in listening to the very unique presence of babies and toddlers.

This workshop explores experiential paths of listening: through the gaze, facial and physical expressions, posture and gesture, action, dance.

A safe space for toddlers to experience sensorial and creative competences together with their parents.

We will share experiences around non verbal connection with toddlers, perspectives of communication.

A guided sensorial experience to play together with your baby and toddler!

Tailored activities: either your child is 0 or 1 or 2 years old, we will engage a layered, tailored activity for all of you.

What happens at the workshop?

This workshop has been developed and firstly held in Finland.

Development of movements and exploration of expression skills through a dancing and sensorial experience with mesmerising and gentle live music: dancing we will explore together the possibilities to interact with the babies/toddlers with the voice, the hands, the smile, the body movements, the sight, playing with the toddlers and exploring non verbal codes.

Exploration of expression skills:

contemporary approach to movement: release technique, elements of integrated movement, eurhytmics and contemporary dance applied to ordinary movement, how to transform every gesture, every daily action in a source of dance and integrated movement

colours, lights and shadows

breathe, voice vibrations, vocal resonances, development of a singing perception of the voice for daily use: connection with babies' and toddlers' voices in a non-verbal flow of communication

sounds with materials and tools from the daily world: water, stones, wood, food & more

costumes and disguising: hats, fabrics, odd accesories

The first 5 meetings, each one tailored on body theme + sensorial topic:

hands + breathe, voice, vibration

face, mouth, eyes + colours, light and shadows

feet + sounds from the daily life

head + meditative music, voice vibrations and silence

full body as centre with limbs as directions + full dancing communication, harmonic gesture, lullabies and rhythm, light and shadows

How strong is the attention of children from 0 to about two year old on reading body and facial expressions!

A great source, after release and integrated movement (Alexander, Biomechanics, Butoh, Grounding & more), for this experience is certainly the contemporary mime techinique.

Its characteristic of being narrative and universally understandable because it is non-verbal. But even more so: mime technique exxplores the eternal child – sharing these roots with the clownerie.

The magical experience of learning to listen to interact non-verbally is also a very much valid key to solve tantrum moments, work on the compressed energies of the toddlers during their daily life, welcoming them with new fresh perspectives.

Duration 40/45 minutes